Saturday, November 8, 2008

Election Day (Unfinished Draft)

One leap forward
surpassing generations of repression limitations

Four [shoves] back
into the closet with you
and your deviant desires.
We'll take your rights away
(after all that's what hate inspires)
isn't it amazing what the Lord
commands of his

Sunday, November 2, 2008

When Night is Falling (Draft--Unfinished)

under a blanket of sparkling stars
we picnic
a carnival of desire fills us
the moonlight
eerie and grey cast silohuettes


her smile
opens a door into the sky
my heart ascends
past mind-numbing heights
she does this to me
she makes my soul take flight
lighter than air
i am there
and everywhere in this moment
all it takes is one smile
one touch
it means so much
to me