Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lust ( part two)

Lover, lay languidly (next to me)
Usurping unremittingly (all i control).
Silently sleeping (i'm dreaming blissfully)
Twirled tickling tongue tasting (twisting me ).


Funny how lust creeps
in on silent feet
stalking my consciousness
and my dreams.

All i know is she was suddenly there.

The north to my compassing heart.

Everything leads to her-
putting myself in her path
so i know she'll see me.
And if she smiles or says hi
i've got a good lead.

It's a good thing sheets don't talk-
the things they'd spill about me.
i've become glutted with need
and there's no end, no rest
that would be unlikely.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thawing Out

I took Spring Break a little early this year. I'm quite sick of our break following Easter around the calendar each year (the most expensive time to fly ANYWHERE), and it has been so brutally frigid in my City 'O Wind, I decided to cut out early to thaw at a price that wouldn't kill my pocketbook. That means yes, I am with Mom again, and we're having an excellent time.

The weather has been lovely and so has the food! *grins*

A big bonus is the beach babes in their bikinis too! *even bigger grin*

I finally finished that novel, Twilight. (Ugh! horribly written, but you all know me, if I start a book, I feel compelled to finish it. AND towards the end of the book it got a little better...) Purchased the latest in the Scarpetta series the other day and I plan to start it today while sunning at the beach.

Going back to work next week will suck, but it will be a shortened work week as I won't be back in the class room til Weds.

So, there you all have it. What's new in your neck of the woods?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Love on a Real Train

it's a risky business-
love that is-
if you can find it here.

mostly we're tourists
standing on the platform
waiting for the train to come
(not knowing there's no Purple line
service on weekends.)

even veterans of this
battlefield (who think
they know it all)
are enraged when the fare changes.

so many personalities
jammed together in a car-
it's hard to tell
who's real, connected
and who's ephemeral.