Sunday, February 13, 2011


God, it's been a long time since I've published on here. Have been wrapped up in a bunch of life stuff and, I guess, not particularly inspired to post in here of late.


Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I will be my perennially single self. I'd like to believe that I'm single because I choose to be; however, I know that that is *not* the case. I'm single because I haven't really tried to find someone, and I haven't tried because I am filled with conflicting confusion over people I *know* but have never met in person.

The thing that is both wonderful and horrid about the internet is that it can bring you into contact with people all over the world. I can converse with people who literally live on the other side of the world as well as with people who live on the other side of the country. I have met two absolutely wonderful women this way and they have both brought so much more into my life -- their sense of humor, creativity, personalities, taste in music, movies, and women, their unique life perspective -- I have become a better, more enlightened woman as a result of our meeting/chatting online. I truly think of them as very special friends with awesome potential ... for anything.

The wonderful thing about meeting online: there's no threat, physical looks don't matter, it's all in how you express yourself and your thoughts. You have time to think before you respond to what was said, or, if you start to type your response and in the midst of typing realize that there is a better, clearer way to express yourself, you *can* and they don't see/hear your initial awkward moment, you're cool. This same thing that is also so "cool" is also what is so frustrating because you *can't* accompany a sweet sentiment with a hug, or fleeting brush of the hand across a cheek or wrist. There is a connection, genuine emotions are felt, shared, and you know that you are not alone. BUT at the end of the day you are, because those people who mean the world to you are far away, and that really sucks.

So much of love and relationships or the lack thereof is in the timing. Being ready (or not), having a desire to take the friendship to the next level (or not), following a respectful code or being ethical, these are all things that ultimately lead to or away from a love connection. As much as I fantasize about dropping in/showing up on someone's doorstep unanticipated, I know would *not* do that. I'm too afraid of having a door slammed in my face. I don't know what it is in me that always anticipates the worst case scenario, but that little voice inside my head I can't ignore. Plus, that kind of behavior is just rude and disrespectful. A relationship cannot start on a level of disrespect and have any chance of going anywhere good. Then again, to have the
guts to do something like that, slammed door in face be dammed -- the courage ... confidence... WOW!

I had a dream the other night. In it there was a girl with whom I was in love in my last semester in college. I hadn't had a dream with her in it in
years. I know she represents the One That Got Away in my overall history. And while there might have been a chance both for and against us ever becoming romantically involved, I'd like to believe that if I had been ready, at the time, she would have been my first girlfriend.

She was the one I had to loose. I had to learn from her not only awarness of my sexuality, but
acceptance of it as well. She told me that the most important thing was not whether I did anything about my feelings, but that I had to admit to myself that I had those feelings. That was a gift because once I admitted to myself that I had feelings I had to act on them, I couldn't wish them away, they were there. In some aspect, I still have a hard time admitting my feelings to myself. It takes me a long time to realize how I feel for someone, and usually once I do realize that I've got feelings, the opportunity has passed me by, like two silent ships in the dark. This has been my pattern.

The trigger for her being in my dream was the conversation I had on the phone Friday with my friend. She called me the day after her visitor left. Of course I asked her about the visit and if she felt like a connection had been made, if it was the real thing. Her answer was that she wasn't sure, but that they had both had a lot of fun together and shared some good times. I'm happy for her, but I'm also jealous as hell. I want it to be
me. Of course I haven't told her how I feel directly. She knows I love her, but I probably haven't been completely upfront with her as to how I love her. I can't imagine her not being some part of my life, yet I feel like I haven't the right to be upfront because of the physical distance, and that she may not return my feelings. I asked her if she was going to visit her visitor in the future and she said that it would be difficult because of the situation she's in, but that her visitor wanted to come back for another visit. It's the information of the next visit that triggered my dream. I know it.

This visitor invited herself out. Called her and told her she'd bought her ticket and she was coming. My friend was in a sticky situation. On the one hand her visitor was imposing, was forcing herself onto her, but on the other, money was spent and there aren't refunds for airfare. God, I would
never put her in that situation! The saying that "all is fair in love and war" is such bullshit, yet it is the early bird who gets the worm, the one who strikes while the iron is hot ... My friend deserves better. I have been upfront with her about that. I don't like this visitor in her life. She needs to be put into her proper place at the bottom of the food chain. Hell, maggots deserve better than the visitor for substance.

I know my dream the other night is warning me, advising me from going down the same path and getting hurt. Thing is I feel powerless to stop it.